Monday, November 14, 2011

And the adoption process begins!

For the last several weeks, Dustin and I have anxiously awaited our upcoming appointment with the adoption agency we chose, and we were so thrilled to attend the session this past Saturday. We learned so much about the agency, and some of the common misconceptions about open adoption.

Our next step in the process is to attend a weekend-intensive workshop on December 16 & 17 where we will begin writing our “Dear Birthmother” letter, creating our adoption profile and learning the necessary networking tips and tricks to get our profile in circulation. In the month leading up to this workshop, Dustin and I will need to gather all of the needed documentation to gain approval to begin the home study. This documentation will include tax information, floor plans of our home, background checks, an autobiography, and letters of recommendation from several sources outside of our family, among other things. Once we’ve submitted the needed documentation and have attended our workshop, we can begin our home study. We were comforted to learn that the home study would not be as invasive as we expected. It turns out the entire home study can be completed with three interviews and one tour of our home, all of which can be conducted during the same visit.

Our social worker will submit the home study report, along with all of documents to the state who will review our request and approve us as potential adoptive parents in Texas. Upon approval, we will officially go “on the market” as a waiting family through our agency and our wait will begin.

We plan to keep our friends and family updated as we continue the process, and look forward to beginning this new journey together!

With love,
Lindsey and Dustin

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