Addie's first Christmas! |
HOLY COW. I'll admit it, as excited as I was about the holidays coming, I was just as excited for them to be over. It was a great few days, and as stressful as it can be shuffling from one house to another (five all together), I kind of like the chaos. On the 23rd, we went to Mammaw's house for presents and dinner, and had a great time playing games, like we always do.
Mammaw loves big bows too! |
Christmas Eve morning, Dustin had to work for a couple of hours, but was able to do it here at the house. We had our Christmas, just the three of us, before we headed to my moms. Again, we played games and had a good time. My favorite gift was one my sister gave me, the motherhood ring from James Avery. It was gorgeous, and I'm SO proud to wear it! Christmas morning, we woke up to see that Santa had filled our stockings and left Addelyn her first high chair! She's still not crazy about it, but once she's able to sit up on her own, it'll be really great to have.
Big girl in her high chair! |
I was so excited to get Addie dressed for Christmas day because I had made her a matching onesie, bow and tutu for the day that read "I'm dreaming of a PINK Christmas"! She looked adorable in it, but of course, the bow and tutu didnt last long before she was stripped down to the onesie.
I'm so proud that I was able to make her first Christmas outfit! |
Then, it was on to Leigh and Parish's house! I always look forward to Christmas morning over there, because Leigh makes delicious blueberry muffins for everyone to enjoy before we open gifts. Its silly, because we can have blueberry muffins ANYtime, but there's something about having them warm and fresh Christmas morning that I love.
Yummmmm! |
Later that afternoon, we went back to my mom's house for Tutu's Christmas. This is always the most loud and hectic of the Christmases. It was so funny to see the difference in family gatherings when Dustin and I were first married. His family is so calm and organized, and my side is well...not. I wouldn't have it any other way though! Its funny how chaos keeps me sane.
Of course, Addelyn made out like a bandit on her first Christmas...this child is definitely not deprived! As I was wrapping all of her gifts in the weeks before, I thought to myself, "I'm wrapping all of these gifts, just so that I can unwrap them later!" Her unwrapping skills were actually better than I expected, but she had more fun "eating" the paper than ripping it off. I'm looking forward to next year when she knows whats going on a little better. This Christmas was by far the best one yet, because we had our baby girl to spend it with. If you ask me, that's the best gift a mommy can have!
I'm such a proud momma! |
Eating presents is better than opening them! |