Saturday, December 29, 2012

Creating traditions: Apple Cinnamon Ornaments

It is important for me to establish traditions now that I have my own family, while embracing the ones that I have practiced with my own family as a child. I started thinking about something fun that Dustin and I could do with Addie as our own family Christmas tradition. Thanks to Pinterest, this is what I came up with! I decided on apple cinnamon ornaments because not only are they cute and match my tree already, they smell wonderful! Because of the amount of dough the recipe makes, we had enough to make one for all of the grandmas and great grandmas, too! Here is the recipe I followed:

 1 cup cinnamon
1 cup applesauce
1/4 cup Elmer's glue
Cookie Cutters
Parchment Paper  

Mix cinnamon and applesauce together until a dough forms. Then mix in glue. Spread between two pieces of parchment paper and roll flat with rolling pin. You want to make sure the rolled mixture is about 1/4 inch thick throughout. Cut out desired shapes with cookie cutters and make a small hole near the top with the end of a straw. Bake for 2 1/2 hours at 200 degrees and let cool. Loop your ribbon through the hole, decorate and enjoy!

This year of course, I decorated Addie's for her, but as she gets bigger I would like her to be able to get her hands dirty and make her own just the way she likes it. It will be cute to look back on each one as we have more children and collect them over the years!

Nana can't wait to hang hers up next year!

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